søndag den 19. maj 2013

Tortoise SVN for Mac

This is a tutorial on how to install a Tortoise SVN client like application on mac.

NB: this application is from 2010 and is made for Mac OS Snow Leopard. Although it works perfectly fine on my machine running Mac OS Mountain Lion 10.8.3. I cannot guarantee that it will work on your version of mac nor that it will be bugfree. In my case I think it is the best free (and maybe the only) solution for running a fully working svn client integrated with finder. This client is a plugin called SCPlugin.

Install SCPlugin

For installing SCPlugin the first thing you have to do is to download the installation file: SCPlugin
When you have downloaded the file  - you just run the installation as you normally do - with normal mac os installations. You just have to run all the default setups - click Next without changing any settings.

When finish installing the plugin - open the Application folder and find SCToolbarButton:

Move SCToolbarButton up to the finder bar and now your are ready to go...

Using SCPlugin

SCPlugin is very simple to use - you just have to follow these steps:
  1. Create an empty folder - For example i created a folder called SVN_Folder on  the desktop:
  2. Open the folder
  3. Click on the SCPlugin icon and choose Checkout
  4. A new window opens and you just fill in the blanks with your SVN Repository URL, Usename and Password - Notice the screendump below - you have to check the Recursive checkbox.
  5. When you have filled the blanks, just click the Checkout  button and you are done ! 


10 kommentarer:

  1. I have done same way, but it is getting checkout my project.......

    1. I cannot help you, please be more specific - where is it going wrong?

  2. I cant checkout on mac 10.7.5 lion. Getting error message 403 forbidden.solutions...

    1. I have not seen that error before. Are you sure you have downloaded the latest version of SCPlugin and that all the svn information are correct filled in in? Also notice that SCPlugin only supports up to subversion version 6.9

  3. My Mistake I Directly gave path to the desktop without creating any svn folders in Desktop.
    Thank a lot...

  4. It stopped working in Yosemite?

    1. Really? I haven't tried it on Yosemite yet. But I don't think they will make more updates to this plugin. Last update for SCPlugin is made in year 2010. But let's hope there is a solution for it :-)

      I will make an update when I have tried to install it on on Yosemite

  5. OPTIONS of 'https://uskihsvpsvn1.kih.kmart.com/svn/mm_repo/MemberDiscoveryEngine/trunk/MADE': Server certificate verification failed: certificate issued for a different hostname, issuer is not trusted (https://uskihsvpsvn1.kih.kmart.com)

  6. Apple has dropped the Finder integration API with OS X 10.6. It will never work.
